7 Inventive Ways to Use Cupcake Liners (That Aren't for Baking)

Paper cupcake liners aren't only for baking! We've got seven clever uses for this supply staple, and then stock up.

When it comes to cupcakes, who can get plenty? These pretty, pint-size treats are a neat addition to whatsoever party or special occasion. And when it comes to decorating, well, you can get pretty wild with the toppings and fifty-fifty use some funky cupcake liners to kick. But it turns out these festive wrappers can be used for more than but dressing upward your baked goods.

With a picayune ingenuity, cupcake liners be pretty useful throughout the kitchen. So next time you're at the grocery store, grab an extra package.

1. Top off a mason jar

Canning jars laying on their sides filled with candy hearts and for Valentine's Day on a rustic wood table. The jars have blank heart shaped gift tags hanging from the neck Photo: Shutterstock/Steve Cukrov

Homemade gifts delivered in mason jars are the cutest! Jazz up the presentation by slipping a cupcake liner under the lid before screwing on the metal band. A fun, patterned liner volition requite the topper some color and the crinkled edges will create a pretty ruffle.

2. Endeavour them as single-serve dishes

Variety of healthy snacks overhead shot laying on the table; cupcake liners Photo: Shutterstock/Elena Veselova

Serving up small snacks at your next political party (similar this tasty nut mix)? Employ these muffin tin liners as small dishes to hold these miniature munchies.

3. Tell bugs to buzz off

Picnic theme: group of friends holding drinks, toast , close-up Photo: Shutterstock/Ekaterina Iatcenko

While at that place's zilch improve than a summer picnic, the bees and flies can exist a real hurting. Go along them out of your beverages by popping a cupcake liner over the tiptop of your drinking glass. Accept the next footstep and punch a minor hole in the lesser to make room for a harbinger.

4. Use them as dispensable containers

Christmas Treats. Handmade cookie; sprinkes; cupcake liners Photo: Shutterstock/Dmitry Melnikov

Decorating cookies? Instead of dipping into that behemothic handbag of candy or narrow jar of sprinkles, use cupcake liners as small dishes to hold all your decorations. The wide opening gives you piece of cake admission to what you need plus they're a breeze to clean up!

And don't stop at sprinkles—cupcake liners are great as pocket-size prep bowls for measuring small ingredients, similar a few teaspoons of dried herbs.

5. Continue water ice pops from dripping everywhere

popsicle Photo: Shutterstock/Edward Fielding

Anyone with a kiddo knows that homemade ice pops are a great treat, just they can exist incredibly messy. Go along popsicles from melting everywhere past slipping a cupcake liner onto the stick to catch all those melty drops.

half dozen. Keep sticky jars from making a mess

Honey drip in jar on the table Photograph: Shutterstock / Oksana Shufrych

Even the nigh organized pantries are bailiwick to the sticky mess that's the squeezable honey carry or molasses bottle. To keep those gooey drips from making a large mess, simply set your containers inside a cupcake liner. This volition take hold of any extra drips and keep your shelves make clean.

7. Keep kids snacks organized

Mother making school lunch in the kitchen; cupcake liners Photo: Shutterstock/Oleksandra Naumenko

Sending the kids off the school with a homemade luncheon is always a bully idea. But not every mom or dad has a beautiful divided bento box to continue the carrots from running into the grapes from running into the cheese. For discerning kids that prefer their snacks not to affect, nestle a handful of cupcake liners into a larger plastic container to continue all those treats organized.

While I all the same think that cupcakes are the best fillings for these liners, some of these hacks are pretty handy!

Try a new twist on your muffin pans with these recipes.


Source: https://www.tasteofhome.com/article/ways-to-use-cupcake-liners/

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